Copy Scale Constraint 复制缩放约束¶
复制缩放(Copy Rotation)约束强制约束对象获得目标的缩放。
在这里我们谈的是 缩放,而不是 大小!事实上,两个物体,一个比另一个大很多,但两者可以有相同的缩放。这对于骨骼同样成立:在 姿势模式 下,静止位置的骨骼有统一的缩放,代表它们的可见长度。

Copy Scale panel.¶
- Target 目标
数据ID used to select the constraints target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See common constraint properties for more information.
- Axis
- 能量(乘方)
- Make Uniform
Instead of copying scale for individual axes, apply a uniform scaling factor to all axes of the owner that achieves the same overall change in volume.
- Offset 偏移量
- 添加
启用后,在 偏移量 选项的运算将使用加法而不是乘法。
- Target/Owner
Standard conversion between spaces. See common constraint properties for more information.
- Influence
Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.
由于比例是乘法量,它更应该使用乘法组合,并分成分数或通过幂反转。因此,使用 能量(乘方) 在数学上比使用线性插值的 影响 更正确。也不建议启用 添加 选项。
To copy scale from one axis of the target to all axes of the owner, disable other axes, enable Make Uniform, and set Power to 3.