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骨架变形父级是创建并设置 骨架修改器 的一种方式。
要建立骨架变形父子关系,你必须首先选择将受到骨架影响的所有子对象,最后选择骨架对象本身。一旦选择了所有子对象和骨架,请按 Ctrl-P ,然后在弹出菜单中设置父级到(Set Parent To)选择骨架变形(Armature Deform)。
骨架将是所有其他子物体的父物体,每个物体子将具有与骨架相关联的骨架修改器(Object 字段)。

With Empty Groups 附带空顶点组¶
When parenting it will create empty vertex groups on the child objects (if they do not already exist) for and named after each deforming bone in the armature. The newly created vertex groups will be empty. This means they will not have any weights assigned. Vertex groups will only be created for bones which are setup as deforming ( ).
With Automatic Weights 附带自动权重¶
With Automatic Weights parenting works similar to With Empty Groups, but it will not leave the vertex groups empty. It calculates how much influence a particular bone would have on vertices based on the distance from those vertices to a particular bone ("bone heat" algorithm). This influence will be assigned as weights in the vertex groups.
This method of parenting is certainly easier to setup, but it can often lead to armatures which do not deform child objects in ways you would want. Overlaps can occur when it comes to determining which bones should influence certain vertices when calculating influences for more complex armatures and child objects. Symptoms of this confusion are that when transforming the armature in Pose Mode, parts of the child objects do not deform as you expect; If Blender does not give you the results you require, you will have to manually alter the weights of vertices in relation to the vertex groups they belong to and have influence in.
With Envelope Weights 附带封套权重¶
工作方式类似于 附带封套权重 。不同之处在于影响是基 骨骼封套 设置内容计算的。它将分配给每个顶点组的顶点在骨骼内的影响体积,权重取决于它们的到这骨骼的距离。
这意味着新包含/排除的顶点或新的封套设置不会被考虑。你将不得不再次使用骨架变形附带封套权重( Armature Deform With Envelope Weights)来再次建立父子关系。
如果想要使用封套设置立即将骨架修改器绑定到 骨骼封套(Bone Envelopes)。

Two sets of armatures, each with three bones.¶
如果你使用与骨骼蒙皮相同的名称并已经定义了顶点组,则其内容将完全被自动权重和封套权重覆盖。在这种情况下,可以使用 附带空顶点组。
See also