- 描边方式 E
- 点
- 拖动点
- 间距
将画笔描边创建为一系列点,其距离(间距)由 间距 设置确定。
- 间距
- 喷枪
只要鼠标单击并按住画笔的流动就继续(喷雾),由 速率 设置决定。在其他方式下,画笔仅在画笔更改其位置时修改颜色。此选项不适用于 Grab 雕刻画笔。
- 速率
- 锚定
在画笔位置创建一抹(dab)描边。单击并拖动将调整 dab 直径的大小。
- 边到边
- 线
单击并拖动可让您在屏幕空间中定义一条线。线上的每一抹(dabs)由 间距 分隔,类似于间隔描边。使用 Alt 时,线描边被约束为 45 度增量。
- 曲线
在屏幕空间中定义曲线。曲线描边同样使用 [间距]。
- 绘制曲线
描边曲线是可重用的,可以使用 数据块菜单 菜单进行存储和选择。
- 添加点
您可以使用 Ctrl-RMB 来定义其他曲线控制点。在释放鼠标按钮之前,可以通过拖动鼠标来定义控制点。
- 变换点
控制点和控制杆可以使用 LMB 来拖动。为确保控制点的控制杆对称,请使用 Shift-LMB 拖动它们。支持一些例如移动、缩放、旋转等的变换运算符。
- 选择
可以使用 RMB 单独选择控制柄,通过 Shift-RMB 扩展选择,并使用 A 取消选择/选择所有控制柄。
- 删除点 X
为了删除一个曲线上的点,用 X.
- 绘制曲线 Return
要确认和执行曲线描边,请按 Return 或使用绘制曲线按钮。
- Spacing Distance Sculpt Mode Only
Method used to calculate the distance to generate a new brush step.
- View
Calculates the brush spacing relative to the view.
- Scene
Calculates the brush spacing relative to the scene using the stroke location. This avoids artifacts when sculpting across curved surfaces.
- Adjust Strength for Spacing
Attenuate the brush strength according to spacing. Available for the Space, Line, and Curve stroke methods.
- Dash Ratio
Ratio of samples in a cycle that the brush is enabled. This is useful to create dashed lines in texture paint or stitches in Sculpt Mode. Available for the Space, Line, and Curve stroke methods.
- Dash Length
Length of a dash cycle measured in stroke samples. This is useful to create dashed lines in texture paint or stitches in Sculpt Mode. Available for the Space, Line, and Curve stroke methods.
- 抖动
- Jitter Pressure
Brush Jitter can be affected by enabling the pressure sensitivity icon, if you are using a Graphics Tablet.
- Jitter Unit
Controls how the brush Jitter is measured.
- View
The Jitter is measured based on how the cursor appears on the monitor i.e. "screen space".
- Scene
The Jitter is measured based on real world units. The unit type and scaling can be configured in the Scene Units.
- 输入采样
Stabilize Stroke¶
Stabilize Stroke makes the stroke lag behind the cursor and applies a smoothed curve to the path of the cursor. This can be enabled temporary by holding Shift-S while painting or permanently by clicking the checkbox found in the header.
- 半径
- 因子